*Followed by English translation.
こんにちは、CHASHITSU timeで広報をしている橋本です。


講師は神戸きなこ堂の井原 貴奈子さん。
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そんなお話をしてくださり、金継ぎからCHASHITSU timeの「正しくなくていい」というメッセージに通じる部分を感じられました。今回金継ぎ体験を開催することができて、本当によかったです!
[Report] Kintsugi Workshop for Beginners on February 10.
Hi, it’s Jun. I am in charge of public relations at CHASHITSU time.
Following the Ikebana workshop in January, we held a “Kintsugi workshop” for beginners on Saturday, February 10th!

The workshop was held twice, both in the morning and afternoon, with support available in English.
While there is a culture of lacquering tableware, particularly in Southeast Asia, the technique of using lacquer for repairing is unique to Japanese Kintsugi. The pandemic has increased the interest in Kintsugi among people overseas.
Participants ranged widely in age, from their 20s to 60s. Among them, there was a Japanese participant who treasured a broken vessel and wanted to learn Kintsugi from an instructor so that he could eventually do it himself. Another foreign participant mentioned, “I have been interested in Kintsugi as a traditional Japanese culture, but I never had a chance to try it. I didn’t have any broken vessels, so being able to purchase a vessel helped me a lot!”

The instructor is Ms. Kinako Ihara from Kobe Kinako-do.
In addition to her Hon-Urushi Kintsugi classes in Kobe, she also holds regular Easy Kintsugi workshops.
This time, we tried Easy Kintsugi as a casual introduction!
While traditional Kintsugi uses natural lacquer, it typically takes at least 3 months to complete a single vessel, necessitating control of temperature and humidity, as well as repeated work.
Easy Kintsugi, on the other hand, is a simplified method that can be completed in 2-3 hours using synthetic resin instead of lacquer.
Kintsugi time with a drink in hand!
First, the instructor took a look at the vessels we brought in, checking the difficulty level and Kintsugi process required.
Since the materials used for Easy Kintsugi do not meet the standards of the Food Sanitation Law, we also discussed how we intended to use them after Kintsugi and the precautions to take when handling them.
*Hon-Urushi Kintsugi uses real lacquer, flour, gold, etc., and the mended vessels can be used as tableware afterward. At CHASHITSU time, we enjoy doing Hon-Urushi Kintsugi on broken vessels.
(1) Filling Putty & Gluing
For chipped vessels, apply resin putty to the chipped areas. It’s a bit time-sensitive because once the two types of putty are kneaded together, they begin to harden and solidify within a few minutes!

Broken vessels are carefully glued together, and any glue that sticks out is scraped off.

(2) Sharpening & Shaping
Once the putty has hardened, it is sharpened and shaped using wet water-resistant paper.
If you like to work silently and concentrate, this is the best part!
In the case of the instructor, she sometimes goes into a meditative mode while working on this step.
In traditional Japanese Kintsugi, the Kintsugi part is shaped to blend in gently, but some people overseas prefer to make the Kintsugi stand out by raising it!
Participants were to polish their work to the point where each of them was satisfied with the result.

(3) Coat with New Lacquer & Sprinkle Brass Powder.
When the shape is ready, it’s time to apply the finishing touches.
Although it’s called “new urushi,” the raw material isn’t urushi but cashew nut shells! It’s used in Easy Kintsugi as a rash-resistant paint that can be handled like regular paint and provides a finish similar to lacquer.

Then, brass powder is sprinkled on top of the new urushi coating, and polished with silk to finish!

The vessels need 24 hours to dry. They were carefully secured to keep them from moving and taking them home.

While working, the instructor gave us not only technical instruction, but also various stories about Kintsugi and lacquer. It was a very enjoyable time!
She told us, “You don’t have to think that you have to sharpen it this much; you can sharpen it as much as you want” and “At the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympics, it was introduced that ‘Japan has a culture of Kintsugi that accepts and cherishes imperfection.’”
I could feel a part of CHASHITSU time’s message of “you don’t need to be right” from Kintsugi. I’m happy that we managed to hold a Kintsugi workshop!
There are quite a few Kintsugi classes available if you look for them. If you are interested in Kintsugi using real lacquer, it may be fun to try it!